Benefits of Choosing CEREC

We all avoid dental treatment when it involves several visits to the dental clinic. We all want to clear our dental procedure in just a single trip. Hence, you can achieve it with the help of CEREC technology. Using this advanced technology, the dentist creates dental crowns, inlays, and onlays.

What is CEREC?

CEREC, also known as the Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, uses CAD/CAM technology that captures the impressions immediately and develops custom-made fitted fillings. This technology allows you to visit only once to place your dental crown.

Benefits of CEREC

  • Digitalized Dental Impressions

A lot of people do not like the pink putty that dentists use for their impressions. It is because the putty they use triggers their gag reflex. Fortunately, dentists can take a picture of your teeth and gums using slim hand-held devices. The dental impression taken by this device is less invasive and is more precise. With the help of this accurate impression, they tend to create a dental crown on a single day.

  • Does Not Involves Temporary Crowns

For standard dental crowns, a dentist made the patients wear a temporary crown for one of two weeks. It is the average time a dental lab takes to create a permanent crown. However, CEREC technology makes the crown in the clinic while the patients wait for 30 minutes. The patients walk out of the clinic with a crown that blends in well with other teeth within a single day.

  • Minimizes the Risk Of Infection

Standard Dental Crowns or Veneers require several dental visits. During these periods, your teeth are vulnerable to several dental problems, including tooth decay and damage to the temporary device. Nonetheless, CEREC technology takes the impression and creates in a single visit, thereby reducing the risk of infection to your teeth.

  • Immensely Precise

Once the dentist has taken the impression, they start developing the crown in front of you using CAD/CAM software. After being satisfied with the CEREC crown, the dentist sends it to the milling machine in their lab. Then, it is sculpted using a ceramic or other material that matches your tooth color.

  • Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

Crowns or veneers are considered an exceptional oral restoration that involves cosmetic and therapeutic uses. When you obtain a ceramic crown designed using a high level of precision, you tend to improve the appearance of your smile. It conceals the problems that the patients want to hide in their teeth and provides them with a healthy-looking smile. This way, you feel more confident and smile more in front of others.

These benefits make it effortless for you to choose CEREC for your dental treatment.

All Care Dentistry Dental offers personalized and advanced dental care services including CEREC at Salt Lake City, UT by our experienced team of dental experts lead by Dr. David Powell. For more details give us a call at (801) 266-1414, book online, or visit us at 6065 S Fashion Blvd # 275, Murray, Salt Lake City, UT 84107.

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