New Year’s Resolution: Address Your Bad Breath and Boost Your Self-Confidence Level

Are you suffering from bad breath? One of the leading causes of bad breath or halitosis is improper dental hygiene. Keep reading to learn more about how you can address your bad breath issues and boost your self-confidence. 

Diagnosis and Treatment 

In order to address bad breath, our dentist starts with a complete examination of your oral cavity during your initial consultation. This includes an examination of your teeth, gums, salivary glands, and tongue. 

Your medical history or dental X-rays will also be considered. Based on the insights of this initial exam, the dentist will design a customized treatment plan for you that may include a thorough teeth cleaning or treatments for gum disease. 

Prevent Bad Breath With Proper Oral Hygiene 

The easiest way to prevent bad breath is to follow a proper oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and don't forget to also clean your tongue. You can clean the surface of your tongue with your toothbrush or using a tongue scraper. 

Antibacterial toothpaste and mouthwash may also be beneficial. Our dentist can prescribe special types of toothpaste for your particular requirements. 

Another easy way to prevent bad breath is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth from becoming dry and chew sugar-free gum to increase saliva production. 

After eating, rinse your mouth to prevent food particles from staying on the teeth and forming plaque. 

In addition, you should consume a nutritious diet and choose healthy snacks such as apples, celery, and carrots, that act as natural toothbrushes and stimulate saliva flow.

NOW Is the Time!

Bad breath can be a serious issue. So, make sure you are taking immediate action to solve it. This year, you can make addressing your bad breath your new year’s resolution and start the year off with more confidence.

Contact our team at All Care Dentistry to identify what may be causing your bad breath and how you can fix it so you can smile confidently again. Dr. David Powell, DDS, and his team of dental experts will team up with you to fulfill your new year's resolution. For more details or to schedule an appointment, call (801) 266-1414, book on our website, or visit us at 6065 S Fashion Blvd # 275, Murray, Salt Lake City, UT 84107. 

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6065 S Fashion Blvd # 275, Murray, Salt Lake City, UT 84107

Office Hours

MON - WED 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUN Closed

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Email: toothdoctor35@yahoo.com

Phone: (801) 266-1414